1 Beiträge mit dem Schlagwort "Brochure"

Seabed meets Horizon

How is the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park protected? Also, what distinguishes it as a World Heritage Site and (including the Halligen) as a biosphere reserve? The brochure "Seabed meets Horizon" presents the key figures and special features of this unique natural landscape.

From salt marshes to tidal channels from dunes to sandbars, the habitats are of priceless value for breeding and resting birds, seals and whales, but also for tiny creatures, worms and molluscs and many plants call this their home. Local residents and visitors alike are responsible for its protection – and, therefore, must also be aware of the rules that apply.

Meeresgrund trifft Horizont: Eckdaten und Besonderheiten des Nationalparks Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer - in englischer Sprache.

Broschürentitel Seabed meets Horizon